Form 4 Student's Portfolio

In this Portfolio we will post Essays, News Reports, Articles, Stories and other pieces written in our Language B and Literature classes.

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Write about a car accident. Include at least one example of reported speech and another one of quoted or direct speech.

Terrible holiday crash


It was a sunny Sunday morning, on the 20th of January. Many people were leaving their cities to go to the beach and other holiday destinations.

Some people were going to Almiron’s hot springs. They were driving by route 25 in a red Fiat 600, which is a car that can’t go too fast. But this Fiat 600 had been modified to increase its speed and go faster. Another car was coming out of a farm and tried to take the road in the opposite direction. But when the car was in the middle of its turn the red car crashed into it at about 140 km/h. The sound of the crash was really loud, people in the area compared the noise with the sound of a gas explosion. A woman who lived there was very scared. “Oh my god!”, she cried. “What was that?!”, shouted the woman. Then people realised that there had been a horrible crash out there and immediately they called for an ambulance. After a few minutes, ambulances, police cars and many more arrived to the place and noticed that two people had already died.

After taking the injured people out of the vehicles they took them to Young and arrived to the hospital very fast. One year later, justice decided who was guilty for the accident and took him to prison. It was one of the most terrible accidents that had happened there so people would never forget it.

Dennis Skorupsky


“Stop!!!” I shouted to my father when I saw those two lights coming towards us. We –my father and I- were coming back from Montevideo, it was 23:48 at night. I remember the exact time, I don’t know why but I know we were really nervous.

My father pushed the breaks immediately and he realized that if he didn’t turn towards the gutter we would get killed. I was shouting, I couldn’t stop shouting until everything finished. The car went down to the kerb and everything happened in a few seconds, I hit my head with the car’s window and broke it, I had blood all over my head. When the car stopped I stopped shouting and I looked at my father. He was unconscious, I didn’t know what to do, I was alone, there, in the dark, until a lorry driver came. He called an ambulance. The ambulance came quickly and we were taken to the hospital. Everything was fine so an hour later we were at home.

It was the worst moment of my life. In a few seconds so many things crossed my mind… I thought I would never forget that day.


Mercedes Lusiardo

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