Form 4 Student's Portfolio

In this Portfolio we will post Essays, News Reports, Articles, Stories and other pieces written in our Language B and Literature classes.

Sunday, 31 May 2009

Write an argumentative essay. This writing was proposed after reading Isaac Asimov's The Eureka Phenomenon.

High school graduates should have a gap year before starting University.

When people finish school being 18 years old, they are fed up of studying and want to have some time to do whatever they like doing, However, they usually have to go to university immediately, and have to study even harder, which is even more stressing. Because of this I think every student should have a compulsory gap year.

Some people think that this is not good for some reasons. Firstly, having a gap year means you will use a year's class, which means you will finish your career later. Secondly, after being studying your whole life, you will probably forget some things you have learned or how to study.

In spite of these disadvantages, gap years have advantages. To begin with, studying every year is stressing, so if you have some time to do what you like, you might study with a better attitude next year. Secondly, in your gap year you will get some job or travel which will make you gain some experience and even make some useful money. This amount of time will also help you decide your career, as when you finish school, you have to choose immediately.

To sum up, we all need a rest and enough time to decide what your life will be like; that's why I think we should all have a gap year.

Guillermo Symonds

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